Do not make your own shoes

Yes, Native Americans did it with great style and panache -- You can do it yourself based on this handy dandy site from the National Parks Service. Tandy sells kits to make them . The kit for an adult pair of mocs is $34.99 #1 - Where are you going to wear moccasins? #2 - Do you have leather sitting around your house waiting to be sewn into moccasins or other shoes? #3 - Moccasins are cool and all but lack any arch support. (on considering this, I totally need to make a pair of moccasins!) Now onto "real" shoes. I know, I know - they don't make those Elf Boots that we used to wear back in the 1980's. But that is no reason to go try to make a pair yourself. (yes I have considered this) Handmade boots and shoes - like the kind you can have made at Renaissance Fairs are CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!! Why? Labor baby. Its all about Labor. Now custom made shoes would be sweet! But I am just too much a cheapskate to shell out $300+ for a pair of shoes I'll wear out in l...