Do not make your own shoes

Yes, Native Americans did it with great style and panache --
You can do it yourself based on this handy dandy site from the National Parks Service.
Tandy sells kits to make them. The kit for an adult pair of mocs is $34.99
#1 - Where are you going to wear moccasins?
#2 - Do you have leather sitting around your house waiting to be sewn into moccasins or other shoes?
#3 - Moccasins are cool and all but lack any arch support.
(on considering this, I totally need to make a pair of moccasins!)

Handmade boots and shoes - like the kind you can have made at Renaissance Fairs are CRAZY EXPENSIVE!!! Why? Labor baby. Its all about Labor. Now custom made shoes would be sweet! But I am just too much a cheapskate to shell out $300+ for a pair of shoes I'll wear out in less than a year because I'd be wearing them all the time or that I'd let sit in my closet because they look like Ren Faire Garb and you just can't get away with wearing that to work unless you work at the Ren Faire!!
There are books about making your own shoes. There are people who will hand-craft them for you. Do you have that kind of time and/or money? I don't!