
Showing posts from January, 2008

Do NOT make up maps of cities that exist!

I was trying to think of what to write for my next post, when I remembered this story from a friend/co-worker.... My friend was talking to this author who writes mystery novels. After this author stated she had published at least a baker's dozen worth of mysteries in only the last couple of years, she mentioned, "One my stories was set in San Francisco, but I didn't have time to do a lot of research, so I just made up street names and locations." UMMM WHAT?! This is totally not cool. Maybe I wouldn't care as much if San Francisco wasn't just 40 miles north of me. But it just seems WRONG to just make up stuff like that. I guess that's why it's called fiction.

Do Not Make New Year's Resolutions!

What? It is the age old tradition - make a New Year's Resolution and then break it and feel guilty until February!!! I propose instead, let's all make a New Year's Intention - and then not feel like its black and white - just try for something and when you lag or slack, pick it up again. Just a thought...and apparently not just mine-- take a look at this great blog post by Merlin Mann I like what he has to say and how he says it -- so no use reinventing the wheel - (hey another entry for this blog?!)